Don't alphabetize my stuff
Ok, so I was just blogging my first ever blog for myself, and I was all finished writing. I got to the tagging box. I went away, tagging what came to my mind, which was also in relation to what had just come out. When I do the tagging, everything and the order it comes out in, is the way I want you to read it. So I typed: "interactive, story, telling, trains, planes, automobiles, mat, pat, rat, blog, different, softwares, shit, pharmacologist," but what came out when I posted the blog was an alphabetized "automobiles, blog, different, interactive, mat, pat, pharmacologist, planes, shit, softwares, story, telling, trains," and that, was not the message I intended. I think I should have the ability to over-ride that feature if I so feel like it. lol
Also, if you post irrelevant stuff like " trains, planes, automobiles, mat, pat, rat, different, softwares, shit" then when someone wants to find all blog posts about automobiles or software they will end up at your post which has nothing to do with automobiles or software. Tagging will only be effective if you are responsible with it - otherwise the system breaks down for everyone.
As for your latter point, I agree with you, I'll be more responsible with the tags. lol