Interactive play in KOTOR
There isn't anything too spectacular about the graphics, but the story is very complex and allows you to follow many different paths. Later in the game you are given the ability to travel to different planets and complete missions however you see fit. Some parts are a little boring and drawn out, especially some of the conversations between characters, but there is enough action to compensate. After not playing the game for a couple years, it feels like I'm playing an entirely new game (going the way of the sith this time around).
I like this game because there is an all-encompassing storyline, but you decide what role you will play in the events. This is the only game of its kind to really attract my attention for hours on end, maybe because I enjoy the Star Wars theme.
A new MMO installment entitled Star Wars: The Old Republic has been announced, but with no release date. KOTOR 3 was supposed to be in the works but was never released, so it remains to be seen whether a new installment will ever surface.
But Jedi Knight (Dark Forces II) was one of my favorite games growing up. That game was awesome! I feel like the games after that, like KOTOR, lost a lot of the puzzle challenge to navigating levels....
Never played Dark Forces 2, but I'll definitely check it out. Battlefront was pretty awesome, spent a lot of time playing that.