
Showing posts from May, 2010

On the readings




Neural Prosthetics

The Benefits of Failure

Problem Identification and Milestones

A British scientist says he is the first man in the world to become infected with a computer virus.

New Materials in Action

Workspace tracking milestones

Project update

Real Time Tablature Creator- Project Milestones

Project milestones

Learning from the gecko's tail

texture collect

Another Interesting and Fun Interaction Example

My Reaction to Experiential Art: Case Study by Luc Courchesne

23rd Annual Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics

Pure Data and Processing Communication

OpenCV for Processing


Interaction Design Contest

Eye tracking with Processing

some suggestions

Mini projected featured in Make Magazine

In the weird vein


more weird art stuff

Opportunity Knocks

Nature by Numbers

Possible Project Ideas

"Don't fight forces, use them."

Interacting with "art" - Subway Art Gallery Opening

On reading "Multimodal support to group dynamics"

Once you label me, You negate me

Roller Coaster + Robot = Robocoaster

La Progettazione



More thoughts on doors

Im-Practical Design ideas

Projects Ideas?

The Simplicity of Complexity

Man, the Cyborg