I was reminded alot from todays lecture......

about the premature "social networks" when i was growing up. First (1990) it was compuserve, which was the most hideous dialer I have ever used. I believe that was the first time I have ever seen "channels" "screen names" and "chat rooms". Much like a cheap cell phone, I think you had about 120 mins a month of use. So you pretty much had to get online, do you thing and get off. Then it was Prodigy, which was just like compuserve but with pretty colors. Then a break through, America On Line. Yes the annoying CD's you got in the mail where the only way you can upgrade and yes chat rooms where the only reason why you signed on (pre-aim). As time went on AOL went to 400, 600 and 1000 mins for a low price before DSL completely over ran them. AIM was the diet coke of AOL and for awhile, that was the only way to keep track of friends. Now we have returned to those "chat rooms" and "bulletins" but through so many different ways ie. Twitter, FB, Stumble, LiveStream etc. Im interested to think ahead about what the next phase of social networking would be, like transition from social dialers to social web. Where will it go from here?


diana.alarcon said…
sometimes I feel like the only thing we're lacking is something that combines the capabilities of facebook and skype together taking the social networking and method of communication to a different level where face to face interaction is almost possible.

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