Cleverbot: An interesting site

I checked out the Cleverbot site that Caitlyn described previously. I have to agree and say that it's pretty interactive and interesting! Here's what it said to me:

Cleverbot: what kind of music do you like?

User: Rock and techno

Cleverbot: Pop. the 80

User: Sweet

Cleverbot: Wooden too.

User: wood, as in "wood" material?

Cleverbot: Woods?

User: Forest?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What do you mean?

Cleverbot: You should not be sorry


h0p3l3zz said…
What is the exact function or thing that Cleverbot does? Is it just like a normal conversation or more virtual interactivity?
BennickGSpicer said…
I researched it a bit, its a variant of something called CBR (case based reasoning) software. It remembers certain responses and brings them back when you talk about certain things. For example, it will remember your name for the duration of that conversation.
Jonathan Yu said…
The Akinator is similar, as far as I can guess. To avoid wasting space on the blog, I guess I'll mention it here.

I'm mentioning it since someone brought up CBR. Is this similar? As far as I can guess, it works by taking responses that people have sent about a certain person and remembering them. People respond to a number of questions about their character, and it remembers those responses and uses previous responses to guess your person.

It's pretty fun, and it's pretty accurate too. The only times it hasn't been able to guess is when I've used a REALLY obscure fictional character.

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