Cleverbot: My new friend?

So, tonight I was searching through various websites, wasting my time and keeping myself mildly entertained, and I came across a new website called So I went to the website and started talking to this "robot", and let me just say this thing is hilarious! Apparently the bot uses what people say to it to learn how to talk...? I don't really know how that works out, but talk about interactive... I wouldn't say storytelling. Just interaction. Interactive interaction. So check it out and let me know if anyone is as thoroughly entertained as me.

Here's a funny portion of our "conversation":

Cleverbot (To myself): Do you like my name?

User: It's clever.

Cleverbot: How is it clever?

User: I mean, your name is clever.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot and I am clever.

User: And so is your name.

Cleverbot: Touche.


Copper_Ca$h001 said…
From the early 2000's...
Nightingale_x14 said…
That's pretty interesting. I'll definitely try it
Caitlyn Hampton said…
It's an old concept, yes. I remember using it when I used AIM. However, it's funny to go back to. I think it goes back to the concept of feelings for something that can't feel? If you catch my drift.
BennickGSpicer said…
There is another program like that where you chat with "God." it's called IGod. I've had a lot of fun with it as well as a lot of my friends, too bad its so glitchy.
diana.alarcon said…
I totally remember doing this with the AIM bots back in middle school, it was weirdly entertaining to hold a conversation with computer generated responses. I think to some level it was a challenge to prove if you could come up with a better response than the bot could.
Mat Chandler said…
good conversations all around...

User: Hey.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I dont know yet.

Cleverbot: That's cool. You are a goblin.

Cleverbot: Are you real?

User: Barely.

Cleverbot: Talk to me about science.

User: One day, one day.

Cleverbot: That's good. Love is amazing.

User: Love and science. Interesting...

Cleverbot: Because I want to prove you as a liar.

User: Haha. You have an attitude.

Cleverbot: So do you...

Well... entertaining to say the least. However I think if I ever get on their drunk, I may get in a fight with cleverbot... lol

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