The Surrogates

The future portrayed in this movie is one that scares me. It scares me because this isn't too far off from the path we are currently on; interacting with the world from the safety of a room, free of most consequences.

I feel this is something to keep in mind during this class: With the potential of our ideas, mixed with technology let us not forget that humanity still exists. Humanity has a natural set of rules that need to be taken into consideration. Or maybe my mind is just paranoid from reading too much Isaac Asimov.


Alexa Henderson said…
This is a very interesting premise for a movie. Fortunately, it looks like the makers are already touching on the discomforts that come up for aware minds who ponder the uses/possibilities of technology; mediating the human experience through computers/"development" often leads to more problems of other kinds. Every time humans construct something new for our "convenience" or ease of living, new, and often more complex issues spring forth for us to deal with ( take the most obvious example: the car. Or, not to get too hippi here but Rachel Carson's insights about the detriments of pesticides on ecosystems--mass infestations of bugs did not even EXIST until the implementation [for convenience] of single crop farming! ). There is no substitute for the tangible experience of skin and Earth-and piece of mind, for that matter. There is only so much virtual reality can do to numb disgruntled, over-fed and under-whelmed (even while over-stimulated!) minds.
thebhav said…
This film reminds me of I ROBOT. I can not imagine how robots and live like humans, just does not seem ethical. Humans as robots can be scary, they can malfuntion and lead to harm for all. This is a scary concept. Robots as humans= disaster.
Minh-Tam Le said…
From what I've seen in the trailer, what's happening is more dangerous than the situation in I ROBOT.

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