okay, so I know that the idea of sending out information was discussed and the issue of how to get people to truly see the message and not just ignore it or see it as no big deal. There are various ways in which the information may get out better the big idea behind it being that people take notice when the message inturupts what they are say watching of listening to. So, if one were to say inturupt a program and just leave a brief message black and white to flash just long enough to read maybe even reapeting it later during a different program, or during a song on the radio having an anouncer say in as few words as possible what it is that is happening. A final way to get the information across and most likely the most popular would be by phone but even that is not perfect because not all people have texting or they have limited texting and so they will simply discard the message half of the time.


arturo said…
This goes back to a discussion about what is the best way of conveying information to people in this time and age. Obviously the communication channels have radically changed in the last 4-5 years.

You idea of interrupting whatever you are doing to be advised of an emergency is of course in the interest of all emergency services. I think interdisciplinary research teams such as the ones currently working in these new media courses can offer very valuable ideas and solutions to this problem, since the students/researchers are on the inside of the communication revolution and are full time users of the channels through which most information and entertainement flows through.

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