Master Storyteller

Virgil Wong is one of the most intriguing and controversial artists in New Media today. Moving easily between the worlds of biomechanics, robotics, genetic engineering and breathtaking art, Virgil Wong forces us to confront some of the most difficult issues we face as modern technology collides with the soft-tissue of living beings.
He teaches a Master of Arts in Media Studies class at the New School in New York as well as being the Head of Web and Multimedia Services at the New York Presbyterian Hospital at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York.
You will have the opportunity to see and talk with him in a live video conference that will take place at the Digital Worlds Institute (University of Florida) at 9:45 July, Friday 10, 1009 where he will show his work in progress.
You can see some of his work at his site and many other places if you just Goggle his name.
Why don't most of us have access to our medical records online? I believe that people think that their medical records are more sacred, and they would hate for their medical records to leak out on to the web. Through time, I believe that accessing medical records online will become as popular as online banking in a few years, once people become more comfortable with the idea.