Only Human

It is fascinating to me how the medicine and the scientific world are weaving new technologies into their research and applications to reach higher levels of success. I am part of the University of Florida Pre-health listserve and today I received a link to an article titled “Med School, High Tech.” I found the details in the articles significant to the role of a doctor. Now more than ever, medical schools are encouraging new physicians to treat patients in a more holistic manner and to understand how an individual’s parts become a whole.

Source: IMP Awards

Suddenly, I am reminded of the movie The Island starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. The clones in the movie carry out a systematic lifestyle where a majority of them do not stop to consider the reasons behind their actions. How are they all so sure that “the island” actual exist?In the movie, they work in the lab and mix together different chemicals? Why do they do this? Part of being human is to be curious and to ask questions (not necessarily vocal). The concept applies to doctors. Physicians cannot always work in a systematic manner, because their patients are not like video games. Once you play through it a few times, you are bound to know all of its strength and weakness (how to beat it efficiently).

Source: Natural News

The human mind and body is complex. Sure, it’s important to know the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the digestive systems, but the truth is, they are interrelated. This is why drugs have side effects. Physicians must always be on their toes and not land face down through unexpected trapdoors that patients open up. If interested, please click on title to view article.

Source: Media Photobucket


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