Group 1 concept and explanation

Basic explanation – The whole idea behind our project is creating a website on which the police can post those problems which arise in our projects case a missing person. The idea is that instead of saying nothing about what you know due to a feeling of awkwardness in speaking with police the website would allow you to report what you know while keeping anonymous. This can also be linked to various social networks such as facebook and twitter by using ping. Why we are doing this – posted on the blog was a video concerning the police and their way to capture and deal with the problems which may arise on campus. We were speaking that over, along with the idea of how the police got out their updates on information which they felt people ought to know. There was an email sent out concerning an armed robber and asking for any and all information as well as telling all students to beware. The group while discussing this were speaking of peoples’ feelings concerning the idea of coming forward with information and so decided that what we would like to do is to come up with a way in which the information can be sent out, noticed, remembered, and allow people to give the information without felling awkward . This is done because on our website it connects to all emails and facebook and twitter so not only does the information go out quickly through many different channels but it allows anyone who does have an email to leave a message and it can be done anonymously while on other blogs you need to have a specific type of email such as how on blogspot you must have a gmail.


Minh-Tam Le said…
Yes. I think that the anonymously feature is very crucial when wanting to encourage individuals in the public to report criminal activities. People want their love ones to be safe as well as themselves. They likely would not report if they knew it would penetrate their safety zone.
Taylor Auerbach said…
Using twitter and facebook also allows us to connect more directly to our essentially "target audience" of college students who are almost always using some type of social networking feature. This allows easier communication than the more "serious" email which doesn't seem to come as natural to some people.

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