The Kinect is Here!

As some of you may know the Kinect has hit stores and sold out the night of launch. Working for Best Buy, I got to try out this revolutionary device. It is revolutionary in ways because it removes the middle man (the controller). It is a way one can directly interact with a device without the use of controllers or a mice and keyboard; just by merely using hand gestures as well as audio programmable controls. I can say that it is a lot of fun, and in my opinion better than the Playstation Move and Wii. I played the kinect sports game and they are more accurate than the latter two, but still struggles with some inaccuracies here and there. I was extremely surprised of how it detects your full body, your posture, your hand, arm and leg movements. I played the soccer game, the bowling and the volleyball; all a lot of fun and tiring. The best part is that you choose everything using your hands without a controller, Minority Report style. Also it's great to look at all the video replays of how much people get into it. Once they're back in stock, I probably will be getting one. It is a workout; so for the hardcore gamers that use only controllers, you may not enjoy it because you maybe too used to leisurely playing from your couch. It is a lot of fun and only 150 bucks. Come check it out sometime! I give it two thumbs up!


Jonathan Yu said…
"hardcore gamers... leisurely playing"

It seems you don't know many hardcore gamers. What they do is anything but leisurely. It gets pretty crazy.

Does it have problems distinguishing between the player and the background?
Jay said…
No, it does a good job in isolating up to 4 players specifically. They were demoing Dance Central yesterday at Gamestop and there was a black screen that showed white projections of your full body movements. I'd say it was pretty accurate.
Just being honest, I must say Dance Central is better than Just Dance 2, but each have their own distinct strengths. Harmonix hit it home once again.
sunmech said…
Wait, so we can just show up and demo the Kinect? I will have to try this...

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