putting it all together.
Currently our group is working towards the final product, as I am sure we all are, and we have begun to sketch out our plan of action by storyboarding how we believe the viral story will come together. our current focus in on finalizing our written products, articles, press releases, and basic biographical information that will be accessible through a central web page. We are as well sketching out ideas for developing a press confrence that we intend to post on youtube, with links to our website and various other networking resources. Facebook and Twitter will play a role in getting the viral ball rolling, by fabricating posts to these social networking sites we hope that our "friends" will view the post comment, and then visit the webpage and hopefully they will find this story intriguing enough to share with their friends keeping the cycle going. Virgil Wong has been gracious enough to allow us to post our press release on his website and has contributed some fantastic ideas about how to format the press release and the proposed video. By interconnecting all of this material, website, news articles, videos, magazine covers, and press releases we believe we can construct a web of information that will be self referential and convince people that the story is true and outrageous enough to make them comment on the practice of sexual reassignment surgery on children.
And here is a news story about a clinic that perfoms sex changes on small children, which we might use in a news video if we make one: