Think back to the first day of class

You guys remember when we did the Interactive story exercise on the first day of class. I really enjoyed that exercise and I think you guys could do a better job if you actually had time to think- so I figured I would run a little mock exercise. So you guys can play along if you want. Your addition only has to be between 1 and 3 sentences.. I'll start it off.
1) The birds were chirping and the sun was shining on his back. He inhaled a deep long breath and tried to relax as the thoughts raced through his mind......


Garrett Strobel said…
Had he, Lewis Penholtz, really just killed somebody? Again he tried to relax, it was in self defense, right? right?? It was an accident. Wasn't it? The sun felt warmer than before; the incessant chirping of the birds began to morph into a sing song chant of "murderer, mur-derer, murder-er." Lewis fled the riverbank, his older step-brother Larry would know what to do...

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