Recycle city

Recycling is a global issue! The goal of my project will be to teach people about how to recycle. I am thinking of a game board with some magnets that will allow people to learn about how to sort garbages. The principle will be really simple and based on some physics' principles as one little tool (magnetic) will allow sorting to be done (opposite poles attrack whereas like poles repel and some elements don't react to magnets) And depending on how fast you can sort (recyclable and non recyclable items) and how much you are able to recycle, you will get a different outcome. Of course I will simply focus on the design phase. So maybe a counter and a scale could be integrated into the game board. Well I could have gone with a computer game or a phone apps but I think many places in the world still don't have access to technology whereas they are in need to learn things interactively.

I got inspired by the following sites:


Garrett Strobel said…
I'm unclear as to how triage and recycling are related?
Irvika Francois said…
I was refering to the sorting process! Maybe I used the wrong word. Thanks for pointing that out.

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