Project Screenshots

Originally I was going to do a project involving Facebook but decided against. After considering and praying over it, I decided to make an RPG-like game with interactive elements. The game is being made using RPG Maker XP. I hope to include features such as choosing your own name and class, how you progress through the story and how doing tasks earlier or later affect gameplay and story. Here are some screenshots:


Yukari said…
It's incredible what everyday people can make using online software these days...

Have you come up with a storyline yet?

I recently watch a cute animation of an old man walking toward a hidden obstacle that would inevitably cause him to fall. People watching from their office buildings see this and try to warn him but they can't from where they are. You hold your breath as he comes closer to the hidden obstacle and then... Well, I can't tell you the rest. :) But I guess the point is that it would be cool if you put a fatalistic element in your story- where observers know something dangerous is ahead but a key character doesn't. (I guess it's like a Greek tragedy in that sense- similar to what we discussed in class.)

I'm sure you already have a good story in mind but this came to mind when I read about your project. Good luck and I look forward to hearing more about it in class.


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