Final Comments

Now that the semester is almost over I was thinking about the process we went through to create our project. On chapter 7 of Chris Crawford book, he writes that “everybody make the same mistake when they first approach interactive storytelling they built a branching tree structure”. According to him the reason for the failure is that branching tree designs are always too much work for the designer and not enough for the player. Chris Crawford is right, our first instinct was to create a branching tree structure for our project. As Chris Crawford mentioned in his book this approach was probably going to created a lot of work for us, and would not had enhanced the interactive experience that much.  Prof. Arturo helped us to create a system that offers choices for interactivity, and was manageable for us. I think that the prototype that we created is a very good beginning, and it could be further developed to become a very interesting interactive game. I want to thank prof. Arturo for his guidance during this semester, and I also want to thank my teammates for  the dedication and hard work  to  get the project done. Thanks guys     


matt said…
The end

for some reason I am not able to post to the blog through my usual rout so I thought that I would just leave an comment here.

I would like to say that even now at just past midnight I am still receving notices about he threads that I posted ont he discussion groups on Fox and CNN. I don't think that I realized just how powerful these mediums were until just now, I am curious to see just how far this stroy goes.
The power of social networking and the influence that it is having on todays world has the amazing potenttal to connect people from all over the world and allow them to interact on common ground. Chris Crawfords definition of listening, thinking, and responding, very directly and clearly states what interactive stroytelling is all about.
I have learned so much through this class and will definantly carry it trough my studies in architecture.
GatorGourmand said…
After this class my definition of a story has definatly changed. At the start I thought a story just had a beginning middle and end. I plan on implementing the idea of interactivity throughout my career and future works

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