Presentation Critiques

Group 1-
Group one's presentation was good but a little unorganized. Inn the beginning he called a man out of the audience and said he would help them with there presentation but they never used him. Then he told us that we would be able to use our phones but he never told us where we could find there group on twitter. Overall it was a pretty decent presentation, could have talked about the Albert blog a little more.

Group 3- Gender Bender
Seems as though you really started your projects at the last minute. Because on the powerpoint and the facebook account everything was created between an hour to three hours ago from the time of the presentation. The video you showed was very humorous but serious at the same time. The editing was great in the video and this was a very interesting topic. I believe if you had more time to work with your project it would have got more attention. Could have talked about your group's story more because to me it just seem like you lectured us on what gender identity was and didn't tell to much about your story.

Group 4- Digital Throw up
This was a great project and presentation. The speaker was great and he really captured my attention and kept me interested. The interactivity in your blog was great and I like how the user could take the story anywhere they wanted to. What started as a green screen ended with a full story and the story could have been taken even further than it was. I really enjoyed this presentation.


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