DigitalThrowUp! - The Making Pt.1 - Pano2VR

I wanted to post some of the steps my group took to create DigitalThrowUp throughout the process, but I found that we became to engulfed to work on anything else while we were near a computer. So, now that the workload has slowed I feel it is time to reveal the techniques.
I will begin this sereies by talking about software used. Without this software I don't think this project would have ever gotten past the DREAM stage. Pano2VR was by far my favorite tool to use. It allowed me to take the panoramics my group made in Photoshop and easily turn them into a flash video, which then become the homepage and menu for the website. They offer a free version so I suggest checking it out.
Besides just ceating an "interactive" flash movie or quicktime VR, Pano2VR allowed me to add sounds, hotspots(links), and the ability to control the quality of the movie; this allowed for quicker uploads and smoother motions(VERY CRUCIAL FOR WEBSITS TO HAVE. I will go into this more in Pt.3 of the series).


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