Bit by bit, The Art of Patience

I really like this video for many reasons. First, I love stop-motion animation, which is how this was done. Only pretty crazy people (me?) dedicate weeks or months, in some cases years, to infuse life in what otherwise be simply still objects, at least in our timeframe.

But the other reason is the concept. It brings back memories (to those old enough to have experienced the birth of the personal computer) of the early 8bit graphics and animations of the time. The interesting thing that I realized, as I was writing this, is that the process of making this particular stop-motion animation reflects in a precise way, the process to create those graphics and animations. They were in fact created pixel by pixel, in a matrix that you had to plot beforehand, and if the "sprite" as they were called, moved you had to start the process over again, no cut and paste there!!!

So enjoy, I love the music as well. Game music from this time has finally reached the concert hall and is played by symphony orchestras the world over.


Reggie said…
I recently saw this while I was stumbling through the internet and I think I loved it just as much as you do and for the same reasons. A lot of people don't realize the time and patience of stop motion animation.

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