Reflection on interaction in story-making

After our first class on interactive storytelling, I was reflecting on all the possible interactions involved in myth-making and its character of ever-changing. For example, related to interactions between people and place/landscape in a determined history-set, commonly in a time and space frame. But if we understand myth as having this characteristic of being anachronistic, ever-changing and reaffirmed in the present in other settings, then the possibilities for myth re-construction and re-affirmation and therefore the interactions in this process are infinite. This character of myth of being resilient ever-changing and even though keeping memory is very attractive and intriguing to me. I was reading an article about this related to African immigrants living in NY and how they keep but still change their culture. Therefore, in interactive storytelling, there might be a seminal memory that is kept through the story-telling and story-building process, which prevails in the whole process, which changes as it goes.

Mythmaking With The Elements

Mythmaking With The Elements por Kozology (away here and there ;-).
Painterly Waterstract
Golden Line (Green, Brown, Black, Blue)
"Painterly Abstractions" - Rothko- nCollection.

I added a link of a MIT open course named: Film as visual and literary Mythmaking .


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