First Blog/ How stuff works: Augmented Reality

Good morning star child, the Earth says hello!

In other words, welcome to my first blog/blog post! I always read about blogging, but I never had a purpose until now to write my own. I thought of the name Insane Emporium way before I actually attended the class and now it doesn't exactly correlated to things I'll be post. pity.

Interactive storytelling has been my most interesting class I've ever taken and I'm only two hours deep in it. Though it has a staggering 8 people, 9 including the professor, it has a very diverse and intellectual atmosphere. In a way it's almost an experimental learning environment where your imagination can run with endless possibilities. We discussed ways of thinking outside of the box and the difference between interactive storytelling and interacting with a story that's outcome remains the same. A key topic discussed in our small groups was augmented reality. I may be the only one in the class that doesn't fully understand how it works, so like any curious mind in the 21st century, I googled it. One of the first websites I can across was the how stuff works.

This site is basically a beginners approach to understanding how it works and can definitely help with applying a wide range of projects.


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