DigitalThrowUp! - Pt.2 - Forums and Tutorials

The internet is the ultimate relm of information. More expansive than any library, or all libraries combined for that matter. Here, on the internet, you can find the solution to nearly any problem. I used two specific resources to troubleshoot my problem. I frequented my HTML origins, Dr. Gereald Haskins' Computers and Modern Society - HTML Tutorials. More than teaching me certain code, it reminded me of ways to tweak code, it got me in the mind set that I shouldn't just stop at copying and pasting code from a forum, instead I should learn about the code; disect the code and learn what each part does, this way I can alter it and make something even better out of it.

I don't think giving you specific forums would really help, but instead keep it in mind that google is the new Encyclopedia, can question you have about any subject can quickly be answered. It may not be the first result that pops up, but it is there. If you don't find specifically what you are looking for, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK. Find a forum and post a question, you WILL get an answer. Be warned though, there are snobs out there who will post a negative comment rather than helping, do not let these people deter you; there are more willing to help than there are willing to insult.


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