The Man with the Movie Camera(1929) Film Assignment
I think this film provokes an obvious story about a typical day in a Russian city/town. From the beginning of the film ("the exposition"), the director captures aspects of a city just as it is beginning to rise, with a scenery of the town almost barren with no moving people or objects except maybe a few trains and wagons carried by horses and a woman just waking up from her bed. You can see this in different parts of the film such as in (5:05, 6:30, 8:04, 8:24, and 10:50). Then the city starts to wake up and become a bit busier with workers arriving at work and stores opening up, showcasing the "rising action" portion of the film around times such as (13:48, 14:18, 15:40, 18:07, and 19:16). The rising action starts to build even further leading into the climax, as the music changes pace at about (21:55 and 25:29) where people are handling their tasks of the day and working out their errands. The "climax" hits at about (27:36, and 30:58) with the showing of what appears to be a funeral and bleeding bodies showing the bad parts or gruesome injuries/accidents of the day. Then around 44 minutes into the film, the "falling action" starts to take place with the woman swimming in the lake, and then at 46 minutes with the men participating in sports activities. This finally ends with the nightlife of the film at around 55 minutes when everyone is drinking and having a good time at various bars/taverns. Throughout the film so much happens, but the pace and style of the music give this "silent film" breath in what it tries to capture, which in my opinion is a typical day in a Russian city. At the very end of the film, there is a theatre experience ("the resolution") (1:04:35) with what appears to be a recap of what the man with a movie camera was able to capture in his film and what he ended up showing to an audience of his time. The angles and perspectives in this film also play a huge part in building the plot of the film because you get to see what people are up to everywhere in this city and so you have that "Omniscient" view of life during that time. Overall I say it was a very powerful film in capturing the essence of "life" in that time period in Russia.