Contact Alternate Ending

Contact ends with Ellie, the protagonist coming back to earth after her journey through space to a distant world. She comes back with knowledge of the existence of aliens, and the origins of humans. However she comes back to speculation and criticism of her experiences, and ultimately finds the humans weren't ready for the knowledge she possessed. What if however the story ended differently, it could've have ended in 3 ways:

1. Ellie vanishes in the device and never returns from her journey. Scientists have no idea where she went and spend the next few decades trying to figure out where she was sent.

2. Ellie returns from the journey and shares her experience with the world. They believe what she has to say, and the revelations she presents change culture and religions as we know it as now we know we arnt alone. The result is a unified earth striving decades ahead in space travel

3. Ellie return and shares her story, only to be met with harsh critics who determine she lost her mind and they send her to insane asylum to live out her life.


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