Pulp Fiction; Vince's Story Arch
Pulp Fiction is full of interesting characters, however I found Vince to be the most entertaining. The story arch of Vince is told in typical non linear Quentin Tarantino fashion. Over the course of the movie Vince serves two roles, partner to Jules, and company to Mia, Marcellus Wallaces wife. When we first meet Vince we are exposed to his personality and character type in contrast to Jules. On the way to pay a visit to a couple of Marcellus's business partners we find out vince recently visited Europe. Vince is tasked with taking Mia out for a good time, and he and her go out to a diner and dance night. Later they go to a drug dealer house and Mia has an overdose of coke which Vince is forced to shoot her with adrenaline to pull her out of it. After Vince and Jules deal with what was left of Marvin, they go to a diner to get something to eat, and we watch as Jules deals with the robbers which we get introduced to in the first scene of the movie. Vince's story comes to an end when he is sent to Butchs house presumably my Marcel and Butch unfortunately surprises Vince and guns him down. While Vinces ark is told in a jumbles non linear fashion, we are given the time over the course of the movie to appreciate him as a character when if the story was told in order, he would've died earlier in the movie.