IXD Jekyll and Hyde_Vose

Jekyll and Hyde

Jekyll and Hyde is a story about a doctor who tampers with the concept of humanity. He is interested in the "good" vs "bad", right and wrong. This literal depiction shows the well off Dr. Jekyll a scientist and a man of affluence. However, even with his prominence he still seeks "evil" urges which would have been frown uppon for a man such as himself. To deal with these evil urges Dr. Jekyll creates a potion to experience evil. By taking these potions he transforms into Hyde the "evil" so to say side of himself.

More plot ensues but to boil down the story the evil within himself grows and he becomes torn between what he wants and what is right. Hyde eventually grows too strong for Jekyll to contain and he commits suicide.

I believe that this story endues the test of time however could use a different ending besides suicide.

Possible alternative endings

1) Hyde lives and turns into Jack the ripper

2) Jekyll overpowers hyde and gets captured and put to jail and laments his story

3) We believe Jekyll wins but in reality it is hyde showing that evil can triumph over good (but we dont even know it)


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