More thoughts on doors

Here are some more problems and thoughts on doors I think of.

After we discussed the design of the door to make it more intuitive to open, I was thinking that why not build a door can be opened in BOTH ways so that we'll never get it wrong? A problem I think of for this design was that there might be two people at both sides trying to open the door at the same time, but I think this can be avoided by a proper design. Does anyone have some more thoughts about this?

Another problem I think of for the doors is why should we always open the doors with our hands? Sometimes we hold many things in both hands so that we don't have a hand to open the door. This problem is similar to the one I mentioned in the class: how to use computer when we're eating? They are both situations wherethe hands are not available for controlling or we can say interacting with things. For now the way I attack these two problems is that we might have to chose another body part and/or develop some mechanisms to work as our "third hand".

Welcome to any thoughts or discuss.


arturo said…
A current trend, because of the proliferation of video enabled computing devices, surveillance etc. is to use gestures and eye or head tracking to indicate desired actions. You can try to implement a prototype of such system using PD for example, which already incorporates tracking, shape and color detection etc.

But in the case of doors is perhaps simpler and more common to use a motion detector or laser interrupt to start a motor and open or slide the door. Unfortunately there is an energy cost that needs to be considered.
Recent developments with Brain Scanner Interfaces could provide the ultimate solution to this dilemma. Simply think about what you are trying to accomplish and 'Voila' it shall we done.

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