Update on game

Hello everyone. Just thought I would drop in and give an update on what has been going on with my project recently.

As it is known, prototypes are used to help drive the production of the game and mold it so that it better represents what the developer wants. Last week, I created the prototype of my original idea of the game and started playing it. After a while of playing, I took an artistic turn to help make my game idea even better: I scraped the prototype of the game and began anew.

Now hold up. I know what some are you are thinking, "but aamagic2, why would you do that? That would only put you farther behind schedule!" And to that I agree that it did put me behind schedule a little bit. However, the game that the first prototype that I was working on felt more like a D&D game, which was something that I was trying to avoid when making my game. Even so, some other companies also scrapped their game ideas late in the prototype process to create a better game engine. One such example would be Resident Evil 4 (here's a video of it

**Warning:viewer descresion is advised due to matrue content (blood, animated violence, zombies,etc)




So while I did lose much of the story aspect of the game, I am trying to create something that is more pickup and playable, and is more entertaining to the player.


aamagic2 said…

After talking with my class mates, I made a mistake in the clarification of what I did.

To be clear, I did NOT change game ideas. I am using the original game idea, but I am focusing more on the city building and scavenging rather than character building.

What I had problem with my original prototype was that it was too heavy with dice rolls and dialogue. I wanted something that was more simple to play, where a group can sit down, read the rules within 10 minutes and then play for 1-2 hours.

As stated in class, the dialogue was taken out (as well as a lot of stat options, ie. strength, endurance, etc.) and made it more simple. I will add in the story of the game later, and I might add in a perk system in, but for right now, I have a small prototype of what I am currently wanting.

For those who didn't see it, the prototype has a small board with a few locations (mountains, city, plains, forest, towns). Each location has something special with it (forests allow you to scavenge for food, towns/villages/cities let you scavenge for anything, etc.). You also have a karma level, where people will join you if you have a high enough karma level (maybe low enough if evil and I add that option). You can also create items based upon some of the things you can scavenge.

The first prototype for the game has been created, and I will try testing it within a few days to get user feedback and adapt the game further on.

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