Urban art:Flash Mobs

What are flash mobs? you might ask. Well, visiting this site on urban crazy unusual art, I found that flash mobs are groups of people that "form and dissipate as a type of spontaneous-but-organized urban performance art. Groups of friends (or strangers) coordinate their efforts online and gather at a pre-defined time in a public space – seemingly out of nowhere. Flash mobs can be planned to do almost anything, from hijacking a furniture store to throwing a train-station dance party."

Below, watch a video of the biggest Freeze of a Flash Mob carried out in Paris of 2008, with 3000 people. Just for the fun of it.


arturo said…
This is a fun one. Although Flash Mobs are usually events triggered by modern means of communication like email, Tweeter etc. (the first one was only in 2003) it is clearly rooted albeit not consciously in Performance Art, the Happenings of the 50's. and in an unintended way became a kind of non-conformist (by conforming!) movement related to groups as diverse as Fluxus, Situationists, the informal art of Tapié and Bread and Puppet among others. In a slightly different way Survival Research Laboratories, due to the "illegal and dangerous" nature of their performances is forced to congregate spectators at a moments notice in the most unusual places. To participate in one of this explosive events you need to follow a trail of clues until at the last minute if you are diligent, will know the place and run forit. The performance will last until the firemen and police arrive. I've been to one of those and it is indelibly burned in my brain!

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