Two Amazing Videos

Two Amazing Videos that I saw this week!

1. Survival of the fittest

A small bull in Africa chased by lions, fell in river, pulled by Lions and a Crocodile from either side, then pulled out of river by lions and lions start to eat, when the Bulls come and attack the Lions; The Calf gets up and walks with its pride!

Calf's Survival in Africa

2. Brain Yoga.

Traditionally in India we were told to do 100 Ooke or Thoppu Karanam (Tamil words) in front of Lord Ganesh (The Elephant faced God) every day for good memory and to study well. Kids and people who want redemption do that sincerely and this is also a form of punishment to kids in school that do not study well.
Now the same technique is used in the USA as 'Brain Yoga' that is showing amazing Brain power improvement as shown in the CBS video

Ooke or Thoppu Karanam as Brain Yoga

- Suresh


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