Second Life Post

Introducing John V. Gaims!


- Everyone he loves is dead, but they only dubiously existed in order to fuel his revenge plot against his villain anyways, so them dying was basically a given.

- He can't forgive the space pirates who killed his wife/son/daughter/parents/dog/all-of-the-above, so he relentlessly pursues them in the name of justice.

- Survives situations that he absolutely shouldn't because he's the main character. Bounced out of spaceship by an explosion with no helmet? He'll find a way.

- His armor has shoulder pads bigger than his head! How do they work? How much do they weigh? How does he go through doors? These questions and more answered never.

- Will invariably have multiple love interest despite ostensibly being both the most violent person in existence and having a one-track mind focused on revenge.

- Will invariably have at least one sex scene with a love interest despite nobody being interested in seeing that, and it will have no bearing on anything else that happens ever.

-  Talks in a growly voice, like he drinks gravel-and-cigarette smoothies for breakfast.

- White.

I couldn't get Second Life to work, so I can't get a screenshot, but just picture like a generic action hero guy space marine and you'll have a close approximation of him.


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