Cinema 4D

I've been looking at a lot of broadcast graphics recently and one of the more popular programs for this is called Cinema 4D. Instead of being designed primarily for character animation, like Maya, Cinema 4D is designed for graphics, such as for branding purposes. However, it is still capable of modeling 3D objects and characters. Maxon, the company that creates C4D brands the program as being "Renowned for its ease of use, speed and professional results, CINEMA 4D Prime is an ideal choice for all graphic designers looking to add 3D to their toolset."
C4D is compatible with file formats from most of the other 3D modeling programs, including Lightwave and 3D Studio. It can also work with After Effects and Motion in 3D, which allows you to add 2D graphics and effects into the 3D environment of After Effects/Motion by importing camera angle information, which is something important for creating a great final composition. The new version also allows for Stereoscopic 3D.


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