3D Awards!

So we've been chatting all about these fantastic 3D things that have been made and that we can make but with all these great things, you would think that they'd have something to honor it with. Oh wait...they do! The International 3D Awards. This award show is new to the mix. In fact this year, was the first ever televised award show. Oh and I got to be there. It was pretty cool. At the award show every one was given these super intense 3D glasses which I left at home so I can't take a picture of but you can kind of see in the picture of us awkwardly putting them on. Everyone sat in Gruman Chinese Theater and for each category they would play clips from the winning film, game, animation, etc. Then the winner would go on stage and accept the award/ make a speech. I've placed the link to the website for the International 3D Society website at the end of this post if anyone would like to look further into these awards. Also feel free to ask me any questions you'd like about them!



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