Final rules (or so I hope)

Players receive one fireman
Players roll the dice to know who goes first. Then turns are taken clockwise.
At the beginning of each turn players use the spinner and move the number of token indicated per groups of people on the appropriate allocated place on the board.
Player then attempt to move the sticks without moving the other sticks.

o For each block moved, player obtains a resource (firemen=red, engineer=green, doctor=blue or ???movers 9 =yellow…)
o Each block removed also allows the player to obtain a block that he will use to build his tower
 2 blocks build a house
 3 blocks build a hospital
 4 blocks build a shelter
o The sick people are to be moved to hospital only (when taken care by doctors they can be moved to a shelter or a house)
o The healthy people can be moved to a house or a shelter
 A house can shelter 2 people (per player thus 8)
 A hospital can shelter (up to 3 people per player thus 12) per turn and can be used only during two consecutive turns but only if no building has been built.
 A shelter can accommodate 4 people per player (total 16)
o Blocks need to be of same color to be able to allow construction.
o A player can build multiple building during his turn (same or different)

Once used resources can’t be used again. They have a short life span.
o Role of the resources
 Firemen allow stick to be removed. The maximum of stick that can be removed with 1 firemen is 3 (thus after three blocks that has been removed a player that does not have a second firemen can’t continue playing even if other sticks haven’t move)
 The doctors allow sick people to be healthy (one doctor can take care of up to 4 patients. Sick people that are treated by a doctor move to the healthy space. However sick people that have not been treated can be moved to the hospital but MOVERS are needed then to move then to a shelter. Even though they can stay at the hospital. Reason to move them is to replace them by other sick people (this can be done at the end of a turn)
 Engineers allow for construction. 2 are needed for a house, 3 for a shelter and 4 for a hospital.

PLAYERS CAN GIVE construction blocks and resources to other players

o If the needle lands on earthquakes all players have to move 1 sick and 2 healthy people to the dead area.

o If the tower collapse game is over (and victory cannot be claimed)
o If one player has no more sticks game can continue until either the tower collapses or the optimal winning condition is obtained

WIN conditions
o The OPTIMAL WINNING condition. There is no more blocks to build the tower!

Special slot on the spinner (no sick or healthy people obtained)
If the needle lands on lose turn the player loses his turn
If the needle lands on spin again the player has to spin again
If the needle lands on Move all your sick…, the players follow the directions
If the needle lands on Play twice, when the player loses because a stick has moved , he can continue to play until he loses again

ALWAYS shelter sick and healthy people in parasismic building as if an earthquake strike it cannot make any damage. Remember that layers are adding up to the tower thus make the foundations really stable.

Now I am focusing on the final design!


Garrett Strobel said…
I think the rules look good Irvika. At this point I wouldn't change them only edit them down after final playtesting. As you said in your post, now its definitely time to finish the board and pieces and make them look good!

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