This project called
Big Myth offers myths from around the world, and includes a way for users to submit myths for future inclusion in the website. The interface is Flash based, and viewers can progress through the myth at their own pace. This one is from West Africa.
Just a couple of checks dissuaded me from exploring the site any further. Whoever designed it seems to have no clue about the myth I checked (the Inca) so why would she fare any better with the rest?. She also placed the Aztec culture (in their opening map) in South America!.
Funny that in the interview she refers to Africa as a country!, consistent with my impression of absolute ignorance.
Obviously she is not the actual designer but rather a producer but that does not excuse the blatant errors.
As to the Inca creation myth, not only is it completely wrong in terms of characters, names etc. but the depiction of the myth is simply ridiculous, they look like the stereotyped images from a cheap "edutainment" magazine where selling it to unsuspecting teachers/parents, is more important than facts or any real educational or informational value. The architecture seems borrowed for the Greek Islands instead of the very particular Andean architecture. In sum a total disaster and it gets an "F".
If this project was up for an Award it speaks tomes about the quality of such award.
Another shock is that she says that they only got the equivalent of 180,000 DOLLARS which was only about half of what they expected!