Interest Curves, Indirect Control, Transmedia

I enjoyed reading every page of the book 'The Art of Game Design' by Jesse Schell. Some of the highlights that was of interest to me in Chapters 14 through 17 were:

-It is fascinating to know about Interest Curves and how same performance but altering sequence according to Bang, Backoff, build bigger and bigger and the grand finale changes the perspective audience.
-It is also fascinating to know almost all so called historic heroic tales have the same 'Vogler's Synopsis of the Hero's Journey
- Art of Controlled Freedom with Constraints and how Jesse made up his own flavor list was funny and a great marketing tool - "We have just about every flavor you can imagine, but our most popular flavors are Cherry, Blueberry, Lemon, Root Beer, Wintergreen and Licorice" - A list just made up by Jesse often and how well it worked!
-The concept of Transmedia Worlds and how companies use the fantasy world to market their product and to build more fantasy and sell more as a repeated cycle!


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