Game industry, children and ethics

Reading previous posts, as well as Schell's chapter on Demographics and games, and above all, based on my personal experience of a 9 year-old almost preteen or "tween", made me reflect on game industry, markets and ethics. When Schell's presents his age demographics, one aspect I want to highlight is that, in my opinion, the "brainwashing" of a human-social being can begin as early as 0-3 age range. Through, of course, TV, DVDs and other media. Companies insert the semen of war games, guns, combats and other undesirable (from parents standpoint) effects on children minds and behaviors as early as "cradle". Myth making from cradle. This is just so unethical. So, here is the question: you make a game for sale or for a community? Why preteens such as my boy only like games about shooting and war? Mass media/market power. I thinks that there is an inherent attraction, especially by boys, in destruction and killing enemy, such as Schell's points out. But is it ethical to direct this to games as violent as Grand Theft Auto? Who should control this? Who can control companies? Who can change a society?

Below, watch the winning video of Ethics in Companies from the You Tube program debate about Davos Economic Forum.


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