My favorite game series for a story

Out of all the games that I love to play, those belonging to the Assassin's Creed series are my favorites. The story of these games has many different levels all adding to the main plotline, presented in a beautifully captivating art style. In the game, there are three story lines that pertain to three time periods, modern day, Rennaisance Italy, and the times of the Crusades in the middle east. However, by reading all the unlockable content and finding all these different secrets, one finds that there are many different substories, based on actual events (mostly, with the exception of the story of Adam and Eve) but with a sci fi twist, that add depth to the main stories. Below is the developer diary storyline for the first game

and this for the second one:

Though it is a game involved in killing, its story is deep, rich, and leaves me sad at the end of each playthrough that there is no more to discover, that I must wait for the next installment, due in November.


Nightingale_x14 said…
Yeah, I remember playing that game. The story IS magnificent. Totally different from traditional video games.

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