Favorite game of all time? FFVII.
Before I delve into why FFVII is my favorite, I went through a series of phases before I came across that gem. Starting with the Sega Genesis, first game I ever played was Altered Beasts. That game was actually a little scary for me. Then I moved on to playing sports games like Madden-- went through a DDR phase, then finally began the best adventure of my virtual life, Final Fantasy 7. I remember playing it with both of my brothers back when I was about 9 or 10 years old. We would play for hours upon hours. Our dad would call us to eat dinner so we'd shut the TV screen off but leave the Playstation running because we hadn't found a save point for awhile. I honestly don't even know how the storyline goes exactly. I just liked leveling up, exploring the world map, completing side quests, racing Chocobos, and being amazed by the video sequences. Everything about it was memorable.
Besides FF7, I was a pretty avid Starcraft player back then. However, I still haven't touched SCII yet. Metal Gear Solid was a fave back then as well. Currently, I've been addicted to a game called League of Legends, which is basically a remake of DotA. It's tough to quit when you've got friends who play a lot and it's a team-based game. However, my grades already suffered from over-gaming so I'm taking a break from it.
Some of the more classic games that I'm a fan of would include Tetris and Mario Kart. Playing those games on DS wifi after a hard day's work was always a good way to end the night for me. Other than that, I like to play most types of games but personally prefer a good RPG or MMO.