Barring the failure of my arduino MCU board this last week (a new one should be here in the mail today), I have still continued progress on my game. The "board/collage" (the piece that is hidden in the city). Is completed. I will try to bring the physical board today so you can all see it in person. Also I have drawn the semi-final plan for the wrist locating device with the reciever in it to find the board with.
Here is an image:

I have also worked on the (very) short story that will scroll in the LCD display once you are in transmitting range of the "board/skulpture".


arturo said…
Oh, I really want to see that. Definitely a part of our cyborgean future. I just realized the cyborgean contains Borges in it, which makes it even more consistent with the Jungian aspect of your work. Everything connects, is that what they mean when they say that all roads lead to Rome?

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