Mommy cooked dinner, Father didn't eat.
Alberto Nieto

ittle dreamer picks up jumbo crayon
Celine Theodore

The lost dog found his collar.
Ruben Ramos

Thirty-nine million votes counted in hours.
Emma Curtis

One Machine, Many Clothes, No Clue
Lamesha Smith

Professional Student, help wanted, parents allowed
Krystal Wardley

The notepad sits, naked, no thoughts.
Bhavik Patel

Blistered Hands, pulling sugar, well crafted.
John (Matt) Walker

Seven soldiers ventured out; one returned.
Kevin B. Silverman

Hungry walked ate pizza five dollars
Taylor Auerbach

'Solid Yesterday. Liquid today. Vapour Tomorrow'
Harsha Hardhagari

Gary lied. Mary died. Sue cried.
Tiva Emerson

Sadness was revealed through the canvas
Odenis Vitoreli Jr.

mile walk is sweeter together.
Minh-Tam Le

Voyage Titanic Unsinkable Fog Iceberg Sunk
Matthew Banton

He drops back, throw, catch, TOUCHDOWN!!!!
Namon Littlejohn

raging inferno,swirling ash, empty graves
Heather Lieberman


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